Invigour’s role with Corporate Advisors is to deliver a process that makes Founder and Advisory roles far easier and which improves deal management flow and value.

Our work depends on the age and stage of a deal. Early-stage, Invigour introduces the Founder team to the right corporate advisor and acts as a deal-readiness planning and execution strategist.

Most Corporate Advisors have experienced unprepared Founders with unrealistic expectations, tight timeframes, poor availability, leadership indecision, and high levels of stress.

Acting as an in-house project manager inside the founder team to co-ordinate with each member of the Corporate Advisory team, the legal team, and other Founder-engaged advisors, to present a one-team Founder and Corporate Advisory POV on the transaction to eliminate this profile risk.

These services address pre-transaction emergencies, issues resolution, strategy formation, and alignment, team onboarding and de-risking, founder mindset decision-making and expectation management, and business value optimisation to improve the Founder deal preparedness to enable a smooth and successful execution.