Invigour was founded in 2008 in Sydney, Australia and for over a decade has specialised in orchestrating extraordinary deals and capital events. Invigour is powered by Matt Joy and his team, a specialist in preparing founders for successful capital events.

Invigour’s role is to link deal-prepared founders with fundraising corporate advisory teams, legal teams, other advisors, and potential investors suitable for developing the next stage of the founder’s business.

“Invigour and Matt fill a gap that traditional corporate financiers, accountants and lawyers do not cater for, and the results he provides are, in my view, not only many hundreds of thousands more dollars or even millions more on the sale price but also the confidence that the businesses will be in the best shape possible to maximise the chances of the sale transaction completing."

Paul Miller (Deutsch Miller - A Sydney-based boutique Corporate and M&A Law Firm)

Picking the right team that fires together and which is curated for each Founder opportunity is absolutely critical, and so is the follow-through in deal preparation, execution, and the Founder’s post-transaction performance and opportunity development.

Matt Joy’s aim is to execute his pre-deal deal readiness process on each Founder he works with to de-risk their journey, get truly prepared (intellectually, emotionally, and practically in the business), and to create maximum value.

His process ensures smooth deal cadence, management bandwidth, and fast decision-making cognisant that the Founder has to also concurrently run the business, and supports excellence in preparation and management proactivity to improve the quantum and success rate of each transaction, to create extraordinary value for Founders, investors, and advisors.